Thursday, November 29, 2007

My future father in law. I think he looks scared to drive with the big boys on the bachelor night out! I wish I had one with him in the wall but that might be to cruel. Well life's not to bad when you can lick the shake off the glass and still pull it of with some class! According to Kim I will be just like him so I guess I'll be lucky because he can teach me all the ways to annoy her.
This my little girl. Notice the shirt that says "IDIOT!". This is so funny to me, because she used to tell me when I would say a bad word, Ahem,(like idiot, nothing else I promise). Now I just get a Daddy!, that's a bad word. What can a do? I love that little girl so much.
Here is one of myself and my LOML. She had just said yes to my proposal, and that night was the beginning of our family. The sign Mikayla is holding says "Will you Marry us?" Right now I know what she is thinking(Jesus is watching). Something her soon to be Aunt Niki taught her to say whenever she saw us kiss. Here's to our family, which is a official December 8, 2007.

Ok I can't stand the Yankees, but anyone who knows me knows that I beleive Arod is the man!
I mean, one look at that swing is all you need to know that noone is better. Mr. MVP he is, and damn it if he went back to the Yanks. Oh well, can't deny him the money right Mariner fans? It's time for all the Arod haters in Seattle to quit the crying and just accept that his greatness was to much for Seattle! Appreciate, try not to hate or regulate, accept your fate. You will never ever have greatness like Arod or the Kid again! He will get his ring and all critics will have to check theyself before they wreck theyself! That's all for now but I am sure I will have more when the season begins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!